The 73rd Independence Day of India was celebrated in our school on 15th August 2019.
Moon Landing Day was celebrated on 20th July, 2019 to commemorate 50 years on man’s first landing on the moon. At Holy Cross High School, Bastora, students were made aware of the first successful expedition to the moon during a special morning assembly. A group of twenty students from standards V to X were taken to the Goa Science Centre to attend a lecture on “Moon Landing Day”.
They were accompanied by the Science teacher, Mr. Jeffrey D’Souza and B.Ed trainees. A presentation was made by a member of the ‘Friends of Astronomy’ on the missions to the moon. They also conducted a quiz based on Astronomy and gave prizes to those students who answered correctly. A few clips of the Apollo 11 mission were also shown to the students.
On the 12th of July, the students of Class X , of Holy Cross High School , Bastora, visited the field belonging to the MSFS in Bastora , which is right next to their Minor Seminary.
Father Robert and other members were there to welcome them and to guide them. Before the students reached the field Father Robert and his fellow students had kept the soil ready by tilling it. The field was full of muddy water.
The girls started first and the boys followed later. They were handed out bunches of half grown paddy and they were shown how to transplant it. They started planting them in rows in the soil by leaving some gaps in between. They had learnt the process of transplanting paddy. It was truly an enriching experience for them. They realized that neither is a farmer’s job easy nor is growing crops. They learnt an important lesson of not wasting food as it is the hard work of many hands.
While returning they were all drenched, not in water or mud, but drenched with knowledge and experience that many of them had not experienced before . A big thanks to Sr. Wendy,Sir Alfonso, and teacher Perpetua for accompanying them and also to Sr.Wendy for providing them with this wonderful opportunity.
The Annual PTA General Body Meeting was held at 8.30am in the School hall. The meeting began with a prayer service followed by the lighting of the traditional lamp. Teacher Audrey Mendes welcomed the new Head Mistress Sr.WendySequeira. SSC RESULT 2018-19 Holy Cross High School , Bastora achieved 98.82% at the SSC Examination held in April 2019.
Eighteen student toppers were felicitated by the Headmistress Sr. Wendy Sequiera and the PTA members with mementoes. Holy Cross High School, Bastora achieved 98.82% at the SSC Examinations held in April 2019.
Eighteen distinction students were felicitated for their excellent performance. The Minutes of the previous PTA General Body Meeting were read out by the Secretary of the PTA. The school report and display of accounts were presented by trs. Arunaand Deepa Govekar. Headmistress Sr. Wendy Sequeira then addressed the gathering.
The resource person for the programme, Dr. Peter Castellino, Psychiatrist Who is also a Trustee of COOJ and one of its founding members, enlightened the parents on “EFFECTIVE PARENTING“. He also gave a few tips on “Building good relationship with our children.” Ms.KarishmaParulekar PSI of the Traffic Police, Mapusa Traffic Cell, addressed the parents regarding “Following Traffic Rules”.She impressed upon the attendees , the importance of wearing helmets. While at the same time making them aware of their folly, in permitting their children to drive motorized two wheelers. Dr. Jyostna and Dr. YatinPalekar, health officers from the Primary Health Center , Aldona briefed the parents on the benefits of “FOLIC ACID” tablets which were being distributed weekly to the students.
The health officers also praised the gathering for their diligence, as no new cases of Malaria were reported that year. They also provided a few tips on the methods of ‘Washing Hands’ since poor-hygiene is the primary cause of illness.
Greetings of Joy, Peace and Happiness of our Lord Jesus the Prince of Peace One with the Pastoral theme – Love of Christ Urges us on, we at Holy Cross, Bastora wish to share Christ’s message of Love , Joy and Peace to one and all during the Christmas Season. The P.T.A of Holy Cross High School , Bastora is organising an All Goa Carol Singing Presentation on 17 December 2017.
Come and experience the Joy of Christmas. Re live the Birth of Jesus.
In anticipation of the Feast of the Exaltation of the Cross celebrated on September 14, the students put up a short but meaningful programme.
The theme of the programme was ‘ Cross – the Icon of Great Forgiveness and Love’. Students of Std. V conducted a short Prayer Service. The Resource Room students accompanied by students of Std. VI and VII put up a lively dance. Students of Std. VIII enacted a play from the Bible sending the message clear that God is merciful and forgiving and slow to condemn. In between the items Students of Std. VII also spoke on the good qualities of each Sister present in the Bastora as well as the Carrem community.
Students then presented them with flowers and a bookmark.Students of Std. X expressed their love for the Sisters in the form of a dance.Students of Std. IX sang a song of Thanksgiving and Praise. The Headmistress, Sr. Bromadine Palokaran thanked the students for the lovely programme presented for them. She also thanked the teachers for training the students.On behalf of the teaching & non-teaching Staff of the Primary and High School, Mr. Seby D’Costa presented a small gift to the Sisters. The Programme concluded by singing the School Anthem.
To show love and respect for their teachers, the students of Std. X organized and trained students to put up a programme.
The theme of the programme was ‘Teachers, Our Inspiration’. The students of Std X began the programme with a Prayer Service. Students then welcomed the teachers in the hall and presented them a bookmark .
Students of Std VII sang a beautiful Welcome Song to their teachers. A student recited a poem to her teachers. Students from the Primary School danced to an upbeat number. Students of Std. VIII & IX put up short skits showing the difficulties teachers face with students in their classrooms and how teachers deal with their problems with understanding, love and compassion . There were exciting games organized to gear their teachers use their intellect and creativity.
The Ex- Students sang in their melodious voices and presented a beautiful card. It was a beautiful and heartwarming experience .
The YSM students of Std. VIII – X accompanied by Sr. Wendy Sequeira, Mrs. Ninette D’Souza, Mrs. Virginia Lobo and Mrs. Perpetua Bocarro went for the 111th Trek of Eco Treks Goa to visit the plantation at Sulcorna.
Prof. Rajan Shelke explained how they induce pollination to take place in coconut trees on the farm to give better and faster yield. Products of coconut – desssicated coconut, oil, toddy, jaggrey, etc. displayed on the table. Prof. R. Shelke then gave some information about the apiary. The bees are allowed to make their hives in the boxes and honey is collected when it is ready. Boys and girls attempting to climb the coconut tree using the device that is used for coconut tree climbing. The students were then taken around the farm. They saw the cows which were being reared there in a cowshed.
The agricultural shredder machine kept on the farm to separate the coir. Students saw the different vegetables grown and the paddy fields. Students then had a dip in the river Kushavati and returned home by 6.30 pm.
Students gathered in excitement on the assembly ground at 8.15 a.m. to celebrate 71 years of Independence of our beloved motherland, India. With the School Band in attendance, the Headmistress, Sr. Bromadine Palokaran and P.E. teacher, Mr. Seby D’costa escorted the Chief Guest – Dr. Dattaram Gawas, an ex-student of the school to unfurled the Tricolor.
The students respectfully saluted the tricolor and sang the National Anthem with pride. They then shouted slogans like ‘Bharat Mata ki Jai’. Mr. Seby D’Costa introduced the Chief Guest to the gathering. Mrs. Deepa Govekar presented Dr. Dattaram Gawas with a potted plant. Students of Std. IX led the students in praying for peace, unity and protection. The theme of the Prayer Service was ‘Jesus and Mary – The Light to Freedom’. History came alive, as the students of Std. V and K.G. marched in, dressed as Great Leaders of the Past. Ms. Fiza Bapu from Std. VIII A gave a speech on ‘The struggle of India for Freedom’. Awakening feelings of love for the country, students of Std. VII A & B gloriously sang patriotic songs.
The students of Std. IV danced the praises & glory of India . The students of Std. VIII of Theatre Art Group presented a skit to show that people should live in peace and harmony to make this place on earth a beautiful place to live in. Students of the Dance Group reflected the richness of India’s culture through dance. The Chief Guest addressed the gathering. He advised students not to waste their time, but to do best in whatever they chose to do and encouraged them to grab whatever opportunities came their way.Sr. Bromadine Palokaran then thanked the Chief Guest for making time to be present for the function. She told students that Dr. Dattaram Gawas was a role model that they should look up to as he was not only a good sportsperson but also excelled in his studies too when he studied in this school.
Mrs. Ninette De Souza then gave the Vote of Thanks. She thanked the students for being a good audience throughout the programme. She also thanked the participants for their excellent performance on stage and the teachers for training them. The programme ended with everyone singing the School Anthem. The catholic students then proceeded to the school Chapel. An Eucharistic Celebration was followed after the Independence Day Programme in the Chapel, in commemoration of the feast of ‘The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Into Heaven’. The main celebrant was Fr. Ronald D’Souza. Through his inspiring homily, Fr. Ronald D’Souza unfolded the significance of Mother Mary in the catholic church. He invited the congregation to reflect on God’s great plan and their own assumption.
A workshop on the basics of Robotics was conducted in the school hall for 41 students who were interested in the working of robots. This workshop was conducted by Mr. Ajit Naik and Mr. Leander Athaide of Earthy Tech, a group of professional engineers who are using their knowledge to educate school students about robotics.
The students were taught about the various components of a robot and how each of them worked when put together to become a functional robot. They gained a hand’s on experience of the working of the same. All students were interested and showed enthusiasm to learn more.
A short and simple program was put up by the students of the High School in the school hall at 12.30 pm. to commemorate the death anniversary of Mother Claudine Echernier, Foundress of the Sisters of the Cross of Chavanod, At the start, Sr. Edith Menezes lit the Diya. Leading all into prayer, Mrs. Perpetua Bocarro prayed for the Sisters of the Cross who work all over the world with selfless love, making the good God known and loved. The comperes for the programme: Ms. Rachel Gonsalves and Ms. Sadhana Patil. Mother Claudine practiced the value of Poverty throughout her life. Students of Std. IX performed three short incidents from her life which focused on her simple way of living. Mother Claudine lived a very humble and hidden life.
Her faith and confidence in God gave her great courage and made her Superior. But she accepted only through obedience. Through a skit, the students of Std. VIII showed how we too, in our daily life can be humble like her. Through a skit, students of Std. VII brought alive the virtue of Patience when Mother Claudine taught young girls to be self independent. She taught them to sew, cook and be of help to all those in need. The students then gave a small bouquet to the Sisters present for the program as a token of love. Prayer is talking to God. In a shadow act, students of Std. VI brought out Mother Claudine’s virtue of Prayer. Like her, we can pray anywhere, any time. Mother Claudine always had great Trust in the Divine Providence.
Through a skit, the students of Std. V showed an incident in Mother Claudine’s life where the sisters believed that God listened to her prayers. Students of Std. X presented a one act fictitious play, ‘Body Scan of Mother Claudine in Heaven’ which brought out her life lived to make the good God known and loved. The programme ended by everyone singing ‘Hail Claudine’.
A visit to the Goa Legislative Assembly was organized for 120 students of Std. IX and Std. X to witness the Assembly session in the afternoon. The students were accompanied by five teachers, namely Sr. Wendy Sequeira, Mr. D. Joshi, Mrs. Perpetua Bocarro, Ms. Areena Fernandes and Ms. Christa Cardoso.
It was a good opportunity for the students to gain an understanding of how the proceedings are carried out in the Assembly. They also became aware of the decorum to be maintained in the House. Following the hour long session, the students also visited the Library at the Assembly.
The visit to the homes of students having grandparents from the High School was done in groups in different areas. The visit to the homes of students having grandparents from the High School was done in groups in different areas.
Two or three teachers accompanied a group of students to the homes of those students who had their grandparents living with them. The child presented their grandparents with a flower and a card as a token of love. The child also tied a friendship band to their wrist as a sign of close bonding between grandchild and grandparent. A small prayer was said and a hymn was sung to invoke God’s blessing on the family.
The areas visited were: 23 July 2017 at Chandanwadi by Sr. Sharmila Serrao & Mrs. Geneve Fernandes 24 July 2017 at Paliem by Mrs. Deepa Govekar & Mrs. Nilima Fatarpekar 24 July 2017 at Xell by Mr. Dayanand Joshi & Ms. Areena Fernandes 25 July 2017 at Vaddem by Mrs. Conceicao Vazarkar & Ms. Gracy Fernandes 25 July 2017 at Pazir by Mrs. Ninette D’Souza & Ms Charlotte De Souza 25 July 2017 at Birmottem by Mrs Sujata Dhamapurkar & Sr. Priti Fernandes 26 July 2017 at Boa Vista by Mrs. Sumitra Parab & Mrs. Virginia Lobo 27 July 2017 at Ucassaim by Mr. Jeffrey D’Souza, Sr. Wendy Sequeira & Ms. Christa Cardoso It was a beautiful and touching experience felt by all – the grandparents, family members, students and teachers.
High School students including two students from the Resource Room along with teachers Mrs. Perpetua Bocarro, Mrs.Goretti Lobo and Ms. Ciona Fernandes visited the Mae De Deus Home for the Aged Women and St. Joseph Aged Home for men on the 24 July 2017.
This visit was done to commemorate the Feast of Joaquim and St Anne, grandparents of Jesus, which is celebrated on 26 July every year. The students were welcomed by Sr. Annette, and Ms. Shania Menezes presented her with a flower. A beautiful programme was put up by the students which included a short Prayer Service, skit, dance and song. Some of the ladies sang along with the children with their beautiful voices. Handmade Cards and flowers were then presented to each lady.
A collection of grocery items and other things were contributed by students of Std V to X. Sr. Adelaide ended this program with a prayer and thanked the students, teachers and the Headmistress for their thoughtfulness and sharing. The same programme was then done at the Home for the Aged Men who greatly appreciated the children’s efforts.
The Science Express is a train having a variety of science related displays travelling around entire India and halting at various stations, thus giving students of that particular region an opportunity to visit and view their displays.
There were a number of posters and displays on topics like Global Warming, Climate Change, Resource Management, Wildlife and Medical Research to name a few. Thirty students in all from Std V to Std. X along with two teachers – Mr. Jeffrey D’Souza and Ms. Areena Fernandes visited the train. The students gained an insight on the latest developments in science from around India.
The PTA General Body Meeting was held at 8.30 am in the school hall. A Prayer Dance was performed by students of Std. VA&B. Holy Cross High School, Bastora achieved 97.06 % at the SSC Examinations held in March 2017. Eight student toppers were felicitated by the Headmistress, Sr. Bromadine Palokaran. Twelve students who showed remarkable progress throughout the year in Std. X were also felicitated for their ‘Never say Die’ spirit. As part of their project, the YSM group felicitated two families who participated enthusiastically in a competition entitled ‘Best Eco- Friendly Family’ to promote systematic and proper waste disposal in their homes. Mr. & Mrs. Rangel were given a token of appreciation by PTA member Mrs. Marilyn Pinto. Mr. & Mrs. Shaikh were given a token of appreciation by PTA Secretary Mrs. Conceicao Vazarkar.
The felicitation programme was co-ordinated by Mrs. Ninette D’Souza and Mrs. Sumitra Parab. The minutes were then read by Mrs. Conceicao Vazarkar, the Secretary of the PTA. The School Report and Display of Accounts were presented by Mrs. Judith Sequeira and Mrs. Deepa Govekar. Sr. Bromadine Palokaran then addressed the gathering of parents. She also answered the questions asked by a few parents. Ms Areena Fernandes introduced the Guest Speaker of the Day, Mrs. Joan Pinto who delivered a talk to the parents present on ‘Positive Parenting and Raising Happy Kids’. Sr. Sharmila Serrao welcomed her with a potted plant. In her talk, Mrs. Joan Pinto reminded all parents that they were good parents and each one did things with love for their child. She advised parents to understand the feelings of their child rather than the act. As a parent, they need to guide their children in the right way. She told them that they should give children what will build them – love, time, positive attention, appreciation and skills, to be prepared to face life. The Primary Health Centre, Aldona expressed their thanks to the parents for participating in the medical programmes conducted for children in the previous year. He spoke of the WIFS programme to be conducted by the Government this year and asked them to avail of the health schemes available at the Aldona Primary Health Centre and other Health Centres. Mrs. Virginia Lobo then gave the Vote of Thanks.
She thanked the parents for attending the meeting and co-operating with the requirements of the school. She also thanked the PTA members for their zeal and overwhelming support in organizing the Tiatr Festival and Fete. Lastly, she thanked the teachers who volunteered to train themselves with the curriculum of vocational subjects and lovingly teach the Children with Special Needs (CWSN). The P.T.A. Meeting was compered by Mrs. Isabel Fernandes. The parents then went to meet the teachers and sign the Attendance Sheet.
3 – 07 – 2017 to 06 – 07 – 2017 To celebrate Vanamahotsav and inculcate a love for nature the following activities were conducted: Students of Std IX A & B brought 5 medicinal potted plants each and displayed them in the verandah near their classroom. Medicinal plants such as tulsi, neem, aloe vera, tumeric, curry leaves were brought by students of Std IX A. Lemon grass, Mint, tulsi, ginger, Canscora and Ashwagandha were brought by the students of Std IX B. Students of Std X A & B highlighted through posters the importance & uses of the different medicinal plants which were displayed by Std. IX A & B. A Quiz was then conducted by students of Std. X for the students of the school based on the information supplied by them.
A Poster Competition was held for students of Std VII A&B based on the theme ‘Protect Nature’. Std VII B was adjudged the winner by Ms. Christa Cardoso and Mr. Tyrone Souza. A Slogan Competition was conducted for students of Std VI A & B. The theme was ‘Protect Nature’. Std VI A was adjudged the winners by Ms. Christa Cardoso and Mr. Tyrone Souza. A chart on fruits and flowers was prepared and displayed on the Notice Board by the students of Std. V A &B respectively. A house wise Quiz based on ‘Our Environment’ was conducted for students of Std. VIII A&B by Mrs. Perpetua Bocarro and Mr. Dayanand Joshi. Four students represented each of the houses from both classes. Yellow House was adjudged the winners.
23 YCS students, along with their animators Sr. Wendy Sequeira and Ms. Areena Fernandes attended the Inaugural Ceremony of the YCS/YSM of Goa region at St. Joseph Vaz Retreat Centre, Old Goa. This year, new members from Std. VIII joined the YCS group. The YCS/YSM Director, Fr. Savio D’Souza gladly welcomed both, the old as well as new members.
Our students were glad to meet their friends there and share their experiences. The animators had a meeting with the Director wherein he expressed his appreciation and shared the years’ program. The students were animated with action songs and group activity. A small introduction to the YCS/YSM was given by Fr. Savio D’Souza in the interest of the newcomers. Sr. Wendy Sequeira and Master Caleb D’Mello shared their experience of YCS/YSM National Convention held at Kolkatta in May’17.
A Session on ‘Building Leadership Qualities’ were given to the school cabinet members in the school hall by Mr. Matthew D’Souza and his Team. The following topics were highlighted: Qualities of a Leader/Duties of a Leader – A Leader must know how to work together with the team members and must be an example to others.
Team Work – Communication is the key to a successful team. A game was conducted to highlight this point. How to Speak – One should know how to start and end a talk. While talking, remember the past-present-future.
Quotes of Great Leaders – Quotes on leadership by great leaders of the world like Mahatma Gandhi, Albert Einstein, Bill Gates, etc. were given to the students.
The Student Council was installed Students from Std. V to X gathered in the school hall to witness the solemn Investiture Ceremony of the School Cabinet for the year 2017 – 2018. The theme chosen for the programme was ‘Grow and Glow’.
A short Prayer Service invoking God’s Blessings upon the chosen leaders was conducted by the students of Std. VIII. A short video was shown highlighting the qualities of a leader – Honesty, Courage, Discipline and Confidence. In the presence of the Head mistress Sr. Bromadine Palokaran, the Leader & Asst. Leader – Master Mauris Dhupdale & Miss Ansila Rodrigues took their oath. The Leader Master Mauris Dhupdale then requested the Headmistress to confer on the Council the honour of leadership.
The Ministers came forward to take their oath. Cleanliness Ministers: Ms. Soniya Patil Ms. Riya Naik Information Ministers: Ms. Mikayle Pinto Ms. Tanvi Naik Sports Ministers: Master Godsun Rodrigues Ms. Elika D’Souza Discipline Ministers: Master Tharun Kola & Ms. Saloni Patil Cultural Ministers: Ms Cazel Nogueira Master Ransley Sequeira YSM Co-ordinator: Ms Heloise De Souza Primary School Co-ordinator: Ms. Sujata Kumbhar The four House Captains then took their oath to be good leaders & a perfect role model to students, ready to shoulder all responsibilities wholeheartedly. Red House – Ms. Esther Vales Blue House – Master Caleb D’Mello Green House – Master Samson Surin Yellow House – Ms. Siddhi Shettigar The Headmistress then conferred badges on the Cabinet members.
The program ended with the students singing the School Anthem.
At the School Morning Assembly, the P.E. Teacher, Mr. Seby D’Costa highlighted the importance of Yoga in one’s life. Yoga brings about balance between physical, mental and spiritual aspect of human beings.
The eight elements of Yoga were explained in brief. During the P.E. periods for the day, students were taught the Yoga Prayer with meaning and were put in meditational pose (Padmasana). The students then performed the technique of breathing (Pranayama).
The Inaugural Mass for the academic year 2017 – 2018 was celebrated at 8.15 a.m. in the school hall. The main celebrant was Fr. Robin Rodrigues, the Parish Priest of Bastora. The theme of the celebration was ‘The Love of Christ urges us on ….to Grow and Glow’.
In his homily, Fr. Robin motivated students to perform their best during this academic year and urged teachers to love every child entrusted to their care. Sr. Wendy Sequeira & Ms. Areena Fernandes, class teachers of Std. X, prepared the Liturgy and trained the choir. The Headmistress, Sr. Bromadine Palokaran took the opportunity to introduce Fr. Robin Rodrigues, the newly appointed Parish Priest of Bastora to the students and teachers.
Vedic Mathematics Workshops were conducted by Mr. Sagar Sakordekar for all students on the following days. 6 – 8 June 2017 – Students of Std X A & B 9 June 2017 – Students of Std VA & B 10 June 2017 – Students of Std VII A & B 12 – 14 June 2017 – Students of Std VIIIA & B 15 – 17 June 2017 – Students of Std IXA & B Syllabus covered for Std V – VII :
History of Vedic Mathematics, Simple Arithmetic Tables of number ending with 9, Tables of any 2-digit number, Multiplication- special case, Multiplication by series of 1 & 9. Syllabus covered for Std VIII – X: Multiplication – special case, Series of 9, Series of 1, Crisscross method of Multiplication, Square of numbers ending with 5, Squares of any 2-digit number, Cube, Cube Roots, Simultaneous Equations, Pythagoras Triplets, etc.
The Mapusa II Superr School Complex organised a session on Career Guidance for the SSC students of three of its member schools- St. Anthony’s H.S, Monte de Guirim Government H.S ,Namoshim, Guirim Holy Cross H.S, Bastora. Holyy Cross High School , Bastora hosted the programme in the School Hall.
The resource persons were Sr. Pushpica, Fr. Jijio and Mr David. Students were enlightened on the topics of Time Managemnet, Effective Studying habits and guidance to choose the appropriate career.
The students of the Life Skills Resourse Room accompanied by their teachers Sr. Sharmila and Ms Goretti Lobo visited the elders at the Holy Spirit Home for the Aged at Moira. The students acted and sang for the inmates. The seniors spent a lot of time with them and were happy to receive the cards made by the special children. They also shared some sweets with the inmates. The students of the Primary visited the elderly sisters at the Holy Cross Convent, Bastora and sang some songs for them.
The High school students visited their own homes in groups from each locality. They were accompanied by their teachers. Every child had to wish their own grand parents and tell them how precious they are to them. It was a moving experience and many a tears rolled in appreciation of the goodness expressed byu their own grandchildren.
The new school cabinet was installed with Master Mylen D’Souza as the Head Boy and Miss Samrin Yelur as the Head Girl. The Cabinet members ,House Captains and Assistants took oath . The oath was administered by the Headmistress. The theme of the ceremony ‘We Are One’ also stressed on team spirit that was emphasized for the collaboration and team spirt expected of the new cabinet.
A chart was prepared on “A Rainy Day”. Focus of this activity was on identification of colours, finger painting, use of tactile sense.
Water Games, preparation of flower crown, dance and sharing of fruits
This activity focused on reading, identification, fine motor and communication skills of requesting, turn taking and sharing.
Pot Planting Activity to celebrate Vanamahotsav was conducted. Students got a handson experience, sensory awareness and could relate to the different parts of the plant.
Was conducted using ladyfinger and onion. Skills focussed on were fine motor skills, waiting for one’s turn. The chart was displayed to mark Grandparents Day. One grandmother was part of the celebration along with others in the hall. Other Students showed love by preparing cards for their Grandparents.
To promote the spirit of Independence, the students alongwith their peers prepared Rangoli with flowers using a structured method depicting the tricolour. It involved using fine motor skills, tearing, sorting and filling in the design with petals using colour code and identification of colors. They also did collage work and prepared a flag.
To mark the importance of the Dussehra festival, a special Ayudh puja was performed on 11th October ,2024,by our senior teacher Tr. Sujata Dhamapurkar along with the headmistress Sr. Wendy Sequeira. Various tools were kept for worshipping, to express a gratitude and respect towards the Ayudh. In a very innovative way, a student was trained to enlighten the importance of 9 days of Navratri.